Tips for Togetherness

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8 creative ways to spend family Time together This Winter

With the busy schedules of families, finding the quality time to block out everything else and just be together is a lot more crucial than ever. research shows that kids who have dedicated bonding time with their parents and siblings exhibit better behavior, higher academic success, and a lot more compassion. quality time together must be prioritized as something needed to the health of your family unit.

So the benefits are clear, but the reality is that finding fun ways to be together can feel overwhelming. spending time together as a family shouldn’t feel like a chore for parents or kids, but unfortunately, that is often the way it plays out. picking the ideal activities based on your family’s personality can go a long way towards making family time something everyone looks forward to and cherishes.

Here are some creative and economical ways get everyone active and ecstatic about being together, no matter what the age of your kids:

Make dinnertime a game.

Research shows that one of the most crucial things a family can do together is sit down at the dinner table on a regular basis. but once you’ve accomplished that, how do you make the most of that time? One way is to bring some fun to the dinner table is to make it interactive (and to go above and beyond the basic “how was your day?” lines of questioning). You can take turns asking a question that starts “Who would you take to…?” and have each family member pick a spot. then everyone else has to answer, and describe why. You could also start a story that each person has to add on to until it is complete. depending on the age of your kids, you can come up with variations of these and other dinnertime games. hopefully the interaction inspires your kids to continue talking after the game ends about what is going on in their lives.

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اعمل اعمال فنيه

You don’t have to be especially artistic to have fun crafting with your kids. In fact, you may have a lot more fun learning how to create, paint, or design something new alongside them. between ideas on Pinterest and YouTube tutorial videos, you must be able to find a craft that works for your kids’ ages and interests. If your kids are old enough, give them a chance to plan a family craft project too.

Put on a talent show.

Give each family member the chance to shine by hosting a talent show in your living room. encourage standard talents, like singing or playing the piano, but also leave it open to a lot more outside-the-box talents like songwriting or acting. Don’t just put your kids in the spotlight; come up with a fun way to showcase your own talents, too.

Make a music video.

If your family is musically inclined, create new lyrics and sing them to the tune of a recognizable song. If your dance moves are awesome, but your singing is not, just lip sync to a family favorite and get creative with the presentation. Make sure your kids call the shots and you play along to get the most fun out of the process. who knows – you might have the next viral video on your hands (or a documented memory your kids will take pleasure in re-watching for years to come).

Go geocaching.

If you’ve never heard of it before, geocaching is like a scavenger or treasure hunt that is based on your location. It’s an outdoor recreational activity with enthusiasts all over the world. participants make use of a smart phone or any other device with GPS capability to find small, waterproof containers that are called “caches.” once a cache is found, you mark down being there on a paper inside the container. You also get to see the names of all the people that have been there before you, and how lots of months or years the cache has been hidden there. You can go to the official geocaching site to find locations near you that are part of the worldwide fun.

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Attend a class together.

You can either all decide to try something new together, or take turns learning a lot more about an interest of another family member. find a music studio that uses lessons for all ages, and set aside an appointed time each week to all go and take your respective classes and grow your musical confidence. You could also join a family choir, intramural team, or art club and expand your knowالحافة معا. سوف تخرج منها جميعًا بمعرفة أكثر بكثير مما كانت عليه عندما بدأت ، وسوف تنمو كوحدة عائلية.

أدخل ، والتدريب لسباق.

اختر سباقًا رياضيًا محليًا للجميع المشاركة ثم التدريب معًا. المسافة الشائعة للركض كعائلة هي 5 آلاف (أو 3.1 ميل) ، ولكن يمكنك أيضًا البحث في سباقات الدراجات أو السباحة أو عقبة. تذكر أن هدف اللعبة هو الاستمتاع. يعد تحسين مستوى لياقتك بمثابة مكافأة وقد يلهم عائلتك بأكملها لتكون أكثر نشاطًا طوال الوقت.

إنشاء كبسولة الوقت.

يجب أن يحصل هذا حقًا على إبداع أطفالك يتدفقون. ابحث عن صندوق يمكنك دفنه وتعيينه وقتًا محددًا لبحثه احتياطيًا (فكر في 5 أو 10 سنوات في المستقبل). شجع جميع أنواع المساهمات ، من الفن المرسوم باليد إلى التسجيلات الموسيقية إلى الصور الفوتوغرافية. يجب عليك أيضًا إنشاء استبيان من الإعجابات لكل فرد من أفراد الأسرة وجعلهم يملأونه لقراءة الطريق. ومع ذلك ، تأكد من تدوين ملاحظات جيدة حول المكان الذي تدفن فيه كبسولة الوقت حتى لا تفقدها!

التهاب السحايا ذي الصلة – الأسباب والأعراض

إن قضاء الوقت معًا كأسرة يأخذ بعض العمل ولكن يمكن أن يؤتي ثماره على المدى الطويل. ستسمح الأنشطة المثالية لعائلتك بتعلم الكثير عن بعضها البعض وكذلك المجتمع الأكبر. جرب عدة أشياء واسأل أطفالك عن اقتراحات أيضًا. إن دمج عدد قليل من هذه الأنشطة في احتفالات الشتاء الخاصة بك (والروتين على مدار السنة) يمكن أن يساعدك على التعلم والنمو والربط معًا.

ما هي طرقك المفضلة لقضاء الوقت معًا كعائلة؟

رابط إلى هذا المنشور: نصائح من أجل العمل الجماعي


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